Cooperation possibility


Support an intern with a partner-scholarship of 992 Euros per month.

Fully funded RISE Germany scholarships include: a monthly stipend of 992 Euros,  an allowance of 160 Euros for travel within Germany, an international travel subsidy and an insurance package. Additionally, DAAD invites all RISE Germany interns to a three-day meeting in Heidelberg.

In the context of the Partner-Scholarship, DAAD provides the RISE Germany scholar with all the services mentioned above (insurance package, 160 Euros for travel in Germany and international travel costs, scholarship holders meeting) with exception of the monthly stipend (992 Euros per month, three months stay). The monthly rate can be covered by

  • the student’s home University
  •  by a partner institution in North America
  • by a Partner Organisation like the German Research Foundation – DFG in Germany

Support a scholarship with a donation of 1,000 Euro.

To enhance  a specific field of study in the RISE Germany program  – for example projects  in Zoology or in Botany or in Renewable Energy –  you can support those projects with a lump sum of  1,000 Euros. We will forward you those projects that are not ranked on fully funded DAAD scholarships. Thanks to the donation of your society or company those projects might get realized.

Description RISE partner scholarship 2025


Michaela Gottschling
Team Leader
Scholarship Programs, North America, RISE
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
phone: +49 (228) 882- 567