What providers need to know

Are you a professor, a postdoc or a Ph.D. student at a research institute? Do you want to become a host for a  undergraduate intern from a German university?
The RISE Worldwide program offers research internships for Bachelor students in the fields of natural sciences and Engineering. Research institutes all over the world can participate and submit offers for summer 2025. RISE Worldwide supports the students with a monthly scholarship.

You are a Canadian researcher

  1. DAAD has partnered with Canada’s Mitacs to create the  RISE Globalink Research Internships .
  2. The timetable for next round has already started: Faculty Project Submissions for Summer 2025 ended June 8, 2024.
  3. For German interns the duration of the internship can be between 10-12 weeks (this point is not explicitly mentioned in the Mitacs call for project submissions) and the start date can be later than June 1 (also late July is possible).

Who can offer an internship?

1.    You are a professor, a postdoc, Ph.D. student or researcher employed by or affiliated with an accredited academic institution or a non-profit research institution, working in the field of natural sciences, earth sciences, Engineering, medicine, mathematics or computer science.
2.    You agree to supervise and support the assigned student in local administrative matters with finding accommodation and possibly with recreational activities.
3.    We highly recommend integrating Ph.D. students into the project although this is not mandatory. Ph.D. students can submit project proposals themselves if they can produce a letter of support from their supervisor. Please fill in the Letter of Support for Participation (you find it in the portal), upload  it and submit it  via email.

Every researcher can host only one intern. Please upload only one project offer.

How and where do I offer the internship?

Please submit your internship offer to our database. By submitting the offer you confirm that the offer can be be forwarded to the interested applicants.

The project  description should not be longer than one page and must be uploaded in pdf format.

Find more Information about submitting the offer under Portal for internship Providers!

Who can apply for your internship?

•    RISE Worldwide is a program for undergraduate students enrolled at a German university. Students may apply as early as their second semester at a university (and would then join your team in between their third and fourth semester).
•    Students in the fields of engineering, natural or earth sciences and medicine are eligible as well as students from related disciplines  if they find an appropriate project.

Your tasks

  • Supervising the research project
  • Apartment search
  • Visit  the authorities
  • Leisure activities

Selection process

•    After DAAD approves your offer, it will be published in the intern database.
•    The offer is now accessible to anyone who is interested in applying and has registered online.
•    Students may apply for up to three projects.
•    DAAD approves only complete applications.
•    The prospective hosts are then asked to provide DAAD with a ranking of the received applications.
•    Only those students whose applications have been accepted, reviewed and ranked by a potential host are placed with that host’s project. We do our best to account for both the preferences of the students and of the hosts.  However, we cannot guarantee in every case that a project provider will be matched with his or her top applicant. We plan to award  up to 300 scholarships. There are more offers and applications than available scholarships and there are always internship providers who do not receive an intern.

The funding

DAAD provides a RISE Worldwide scholarship for the German interns to support undergraduate students to do research projects.

German students are awarded a DAAD scholarship which includes:
•    a monthly allowance (depending on target country)
•     a travel subsidy (depending on target country)
•     health, accident and personal liability insurance
•    please note that fees are NOT refunded by DAAD

Funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Timeframe and duration of the internship

Six  weeks to three months  between June and October (please note that German academic year usually ends in mid-to-late July). Internships in Canada are between 10 and 12 weeks.
The timeframe of the internship is individually arranged between you and the prospective intern.

The timeframe of the program

1.    Researchers from accredited universities and non-profit research institutions register online and submit a maximum of two internship offers, including a one to three page project description, from August 15 through September 30. DAAD posts the internship offers in the database.
2.    German applicants register online to review the internship offers. They apply from October 15  through November 30 to a maximum of three projects.
3.    The German applicants’ profiles are checked for eligibility by DAAD staff and are then activated to be reviewed online by the researchers.
4.    As a prospective host we ask you to rank the applicants to your project. In order to do so, you may contact the applicants and arrange interviews with them.
5.    DAAD places students with internship projects and awards scholarships based on academic merit and the internship providers’ quality assessment. If a project is very popular, it is more likely to receive an intern. Future hosts and interns are notified of the decision at the beginning of March.
6.    Earliest start of the internship June 1.


Martina Ludwig
Scholarship Programs
North America, RISE
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
phone: +49 228 882- 104
email: rise-ww@daad.de