Call for Papers
In a variety of research and development projects, education providers, researchers and practitioners are investigating different approaches, requirements and experiences for the future National Infrastructure for Digital Education initiated by the BMBF. It will address schools, universities, vocational training and continuing education. Prototypes of a digital networking infrastructure are created, stakeholders are supported in connecting to the prototype, and the operability and impact of the overall system is analyzed. This special issue aims at accompanying the development and launch of this solution from a technical, pedagogical and organizational perspective. Against this background, we encourage all involved stakeholders to submit papers on the results of their work. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- networked solutions for educational technology and administrative platforms
- digital approaches to foster collaboration among educators and learners across all educational sectors
- learning analytics in the tension between data protection and learner support
- (semi-)automated generation of metadata for educational resources
- consideration of didactics and personality in recommendation systems
- needs and candidates for standardization in networked education systems
- concepts for re-usage of new or existing approaches in educational technology
- empirical findings from and recommendations on the use of a National Infrastructure for Digital Education
- pedagogical methods for networked learning in the classroom and beyond
- bridging between formal and informal education by digital media
- consideration of digital credentials for informal education
- innovative teaching and learning spaces across single providers and settings
- competencies required for and acquired through a networked infrastructure for education
- concepts for distributed quality assurance of educational content, tools and platforms
- issues of policy and governance in/for a National Infrastructure for Digital Education
- international perspectives on a national initiative in digital education
Submissions shall be declared as either research or practical. Research papers (5000-8000 words) describe advanced or completed scientific work in a comprehensive way and must include an evaluation and discussion of the achieved results.Practice papers (appr. 2000 words) describe projects in the field of digital education with a focus on practical experiences in the use or development of specific tools or methods.
Submission process:
Submissions and reviews will be handled online via EasyChair; the URL will be provided in March. All contributions must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions shall indicate their role in the overall context (i.e. the contributions do not have to be anonymized) and must follow the Guide for Authors as published on the Journal website: Since eleed is an online journal, we encourage all authors to include multimedia elements in the paper; these are not considered in the word count. The quality of submissions will be reviewed with respect to their originality, relevance, completeness and clarity, which might result in obligations for publication or even rejection.
Important Dates:
Paper submission: (May 1, 2023) New deadline: June 1, 2023
Notification: July 1, 2023
Revised version: August 15, 2023
Guest Editors of the Special Issue:
Ulrike Lucke, Uni Potsdam
Alexander Knoth, Deloitte
Arno Wilhelm-Weidner, Projektbüro NBP
si-eleed at