DAAD promotes international networking of museum professionals


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is continuing its exchange programme for networking and training museum professionals from African and European countries. The programme "TheMuseumsLab" will receive around seven million euros from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA) until the end of 2026.

'MuseumsLab' participants of the 2023 class in Nairobi with DAAD Secretary General Dr Kai Sicks and German Ambassador Sebastian Groth

"Since its foundation in 2020, TheMuseumsLab has intensified cooperation between European and African museums, thereby strengthening mutual trust and understanding. The exchange programme has also made a valuable contribution to coming to terms with our colonial past. Furthermore, TheMuseumsLab is also an important step towards establishing the planned Agency for International Museum Co-operation. The continuation of this forward-looking project is therefore good news for museums in Africa and Europe. We are therefore very happy to support TheMuseumsLab with funds from the federal cultural budget," said Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and the Media. 

"In the short time since it was founded on the initiative of the Federal Foreign Office, TheMuseumsLab has made a name for itself in the museum landscape in Africa and Europe. I am therefore very pleased that TheMuseumsLab will be able to further expand cooperation between museums in Africa and Europe in the coming years with our support," said Katja Keul, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office."

"Our museum programme is dedicated to central questions about the relationship between museums and cultural institutions in Europe and Africa. What should the museum of the future look like, what questions about colonial history need to be answered and how can the topics be prepared for an audience in Europe or the countries of Africa? Since 2021, we have been bringing together international museum professionals as part of TheMuseumsLab to find common answers to these challenging questions and discuss different perspectives. It is extremely gratifying that we can now continue this transcontinental exchange on culture, science and history with the support of the German government," said Prof Dr Joybrato Mukherjee, DAAD President.


TheMuseumsLab programme, which has been running since 2021, is aimed at experienced professionals from museums and cultural institutions in Africa and Europe. In cooperation with the Berlin Museum of Natural History (MfN), the DAAD promotes intensive exchange on issues relating to the past and future of museums on both continents. A wide range of programme activities, seminars and short visits to museums facilitate sustainable networking between international experts. The programme also contributes to the examination of the colonial past and change in museums by integrating current debates. Each year, 50 experts are supported, 25 from Africa and 25 from Europe.
The current funding enables further development of the programme, including greater involvement of alumni and the establishment of an academic advisory network that will provide specialist support for the project, provide impetus in terms of content and help with the direction of the programme. 


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DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service