Ta’ziz Partnership

Stadtansicht Tunis

The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD) is awarding funds provided by the Federal Foreign Office to support the Ta’ziz Partnership programme with partner universities in the following countries in the MENA region (Middle East & North Africa): primarily Tunisia, Sudan, Lebanon and Iraq, as well as Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, Libya and Morocco.

The Arabic word ‘Ta’ziz’ means ‘strengthening/ consolidation’ and has been chosen to clearly express the intended outcome of the programme. The programme provides spaces for dialogue on reform efforts at higher education institutions in North Africa/Middle East and enables the involvement of non-university partners – since higher education and academic cooperation play an important role in times of social and political transformation.

Programme lines

The programme comprises three programme lines and is open to all disciplines:

The target groups of the Ta’ziz programme lines are

  • lecturers at higher education institutions
  • (junior) researchers
  • professors
  • higher education management staff
  • doctoral candidates
  • graduates and students

from Germany and the partner countries with special attention to aspects of gender equality and diversity. In addition, the involvement of non-university partners from Germany and the partner countries (public sector, business, science and civil society) should be pursued and is mandatory for the Ta'ziz Networking programme line. The inclusion of Germany alumnae and alumni is welcomed.


Funded by

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Related Topics

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service