Regional Centre for Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East (SAGE-Centre)

Schafe in afrikanischer Savanne mit Hirten

The SAGE-Centre is being funded since May 2021 within the DAAD-programme Global Centres for Climate and Environment with means of the Federal Foreign Office. 

The SAGE-Center situated in Palestinian Territories with hubs in Jordan and Germany will contribute to empowering societies to find science-based solutions to an adaptive and sustainable management of natural resources in a changing world. The Center will serve as a regional resource for capacity building of a young generation in an international environment and will thereby become a focal point for regional efforts to propose climate and land use change adaptation options.  The overarching goals of SAGE are to contribute to sharing of and exposure to knowledge and capacity building in relevant disciplines, to conduct multilateral and interdisciplinary research on areas of concern and make available cutting-edge research relevant for decision-makers. It will furthermore aim to become a regional resource for national and international bodies concerned with global change and to promote regional transboundary cooperation in global change adaptation.
•    Establishment of an interdisciplinary set of Master’s-courses related to the issues of regional and global change and natural resources
•    Establishment of a Research Training Group related to regional climate change and resource management 
•    Installation of Real-Life-Laboratories and Development of PhD projects  
•    Development of a regional and international information hub for issues related to climate change mitigation and adaptation
•    Development, testing and implementation of resource-friendly forms of international cooperation in education


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DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service