Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre (ABCD-Centre)

The Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre is being funded since May 2021 within the DAAD-programme Global Centres for Climate and Environment with means of the Federal Foreign Office.
Addressing the global challenges of water security and adaptation to a changing climate are at the core of the ABCD Center, which will become a global institution for water security and climate adaptation with its location in Chennai and hubs in Thailand and Germany. It will also train future environmental leaders and ensure the transfer of research into practice through a new dialogue between science and global society. The ABCD Center pursues three intertwined research clusters: Cluster I covers the topics “Water Security, Water Resources Management, Secure Water Supply and Water Treatment”, Cluster II works on “Ecosystem Resilience and Nature-Based Adaptation Measures”, and Cluster III deals with “Transfer Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Traditional Knowledge, Local Economies and Societal Acceptance”.
- Establishment of a joint master's course on "Water Security and Global Change”
- 30 long-term fellowships for doctoral students and related research
- Events for and dialogue with policymakers and decision-makers in the private sector and civil society stakeholders, among others to ensure transfer into practice
Back to: Global Centres for Climate and Environment as well as for Health and Pandemic Prevention