Grants for alumni events

A group of alumni discussing

The DAAD may fund alumni events that support the topical exchange and the networking and cooperation both among the alumni and with scientific, political, social, cultural, and economic institutions, extend and actively involve the alumni's competences for developing solutions for global challenges, promote the relationship of alumni with the DAAD and with Germany and support the sharing of experiences with the next generations of scholarship holders. 

What are the prerequisites for receiving a grant? 

The alumni event must be scientific or topical in nature. No subsidies are granted for purely social meetings. The event must involve a large number (about 50% or more) of DAAD alumni. 

Who can apply? 

DAAD alumni, DAAD alumni clubs or DAAD alumni networks, DAAD regional offices, and lektors are all eligible to apply. 

Which types of events can be funded? 

The following types of events can be supported: 

  • Events that promote the scientific/topical exchange and networking of alumni. 
  • Seminars contributing to the specialist or professional training of alumni. 
  • Seminars in which DAAD alumni pass on their knowledge as trainers. 
  • Events that serve the support of German scholarship holders abroad or foreign scholarship holders in Germany. 
  • Contributions by alumni that serve the preparation of scholarship holders. 
  • Seminars for fresh alumni returning to their home country or moving on. 

Subsidies can also be granted for bi- and multi-lateral alumni events that bring together different alumni groups and/or include German alumni, for example North-South or regional events. The DAAD is particularly interested in supporting events that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Networking and activities beyond the scope of the event are particularly welcome. 

Any questions? Please email us at  


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DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service