DAAD climapAfrica Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Ghana
Lailah Gifty Akita is an aquatic ecologist at Marine and Fisheries Sciences, University of Ghana. My motivation as team member of ClimapAfrica is the desire for professional growth and diligence to network with climate scientists. My research interests are aquatic ecology, paleoecology and environmental change. Ostracods (small bivalve crustaceans) are increasingly used as sensitive biological proxies for reconstruction of environmental climatic changes. However, ecological preference of ostracods in aquatic ecosystems of Africa is still limited. My research focus on understanding the ecology of ostracods and their potential for reconstruction of past hydrological changes in Lake Volta, Ghana, West Africa region.
Climate change expertise and interests
- Palaeo-ecology
- Palaeo- environmental changes
- Climate change science
Publications (most recent)
Akita, L.G., Laudien, J., Nyarko., E. (2020) Geochemical contamination in Densu Estuary, Gulf of Guinea, Ghana. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-020-10035-4
Akita, L.G., Laudien, J., Akrong, M., Biney., C., Nyarko., E., Addo, S (2020). Physicochemical influence on the spatal distribution of faecal bacteria and polychaetes in Densu estuary, Ghana Africa Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 14 (6). 139-158. DOI: 10.5897/AJEST2020.2830.
Klubi, E.A., Addo, S., Akita, L.G., (2019) Assessment of hydrological pathway and water quality parameters of the Songor wetland, Ghana. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13(21), 511-523.
I participate at climapAfrica because...
of my penchant desire to understand climate environment changes through scientific research, professional advancement and networking as a lifelong learner.