Sustainability and the DAAD

The DAAD makes important contributions to the global Sustainable Development Goals with German universities and their international partners. It also regards sustainability as a holistic responsibility for its own organisation.

Sustainability issues have been an integral part of the DAAD programme portfolio for many years. They continuie to gain in importance and they are  increasingly becoming a focus of attention for universities and their partners. The DAAD is working hard to document, support and – in close coordination with donors – further increase this commitment. It isguided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sustainability and the DAAD

The contribution DAAD programmes are making to the 2030 Agenda 

The DAAD is enabling the development of sustainable solutions in key areas such as food security, education, health and climate protection with numerous funding programmes. The portfolio ranges from the training of highly qualified professionals and leaders to the development of study programmes and competence centres and the funding of applied research in internationally networked teams. Through its cooperation with universities and non-university partners worldwide the DAAD supports the development of strong “Partnerships for the Goals” (SDG 17) that will continue working long after funding ends.

Sustainability issues are the focus of cooperation in numerous DAAD-funded projects. Study programmes on sustainability topics are also very popular within the broad range of scholarships available. In addition, the DAAD uses thematic funding initiatives to provide targeted incentives that foster international cooperation on core topics of the 2030 Agenda. An overview of how the DAAD and universities contribute to the individual SDGs can be found here.

Knowledge for development: sustainable solutions for international cooperation

At the same time, DAAD is using its expertise and its extensive international network to make knowledge available for sustainable development and further advance the discourse on sustainable development in dialogue with universities, donors and partner organisations. In cooperation with the universities it is developing innovative problem-solving approaches to further improve the ecological and social sustainability balance of international partnerships and secure long-term effects.

Guaranteeing sustainability of funding activities and safeguarding their long-term effects

The DAAD aims to make the implementation of its funding programmes as sustainable as possible. Even though physical mobility will remain an essential prerequisite for international exchange, the DAAD faces the challenge of organising this mobility the most climate and environmentally friendly way possible and taking advantage of the opportunities afforded by digitally supported formats. Various guidelines and recommendations for action support the sustainable implementation of funding programmes and projects.
In addition, the DAAD also understands the sustainability of its funding activities in terms of the permanence of the results and impacts achieved. The consideration of corresponding requirements therefore already plays a central role in planning, executing, managing and evaluating the DAAD funding programmes.    

Strengthening institutional sustainability management

The DAAD is also working within the framework of an internal project to further reduce negative climate and environmental impacts in the organisation's operations and to align its own strategy and management processes even more closely with the maxim of sustainability. To this end, quick wins and long-term potential for change are being identified in central fields of sustainability management. Ongoing activities are being further developed into a sustainability programme for the DAAD. One important aspect is the topic of mobility, but event management, public relations, sustainable procurement and building management also play a central role. 

Back to: Sustainability and the DAAD - our commitment to the 2030 Agenda

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service