German Federal President pays tribute to volunteers’ work promoting Europe

‘Europa macht Schule’

The German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has invited the association ‘Europa macht Schule’ as one of 60 initiatives to Bellevue Palace on 8 and 9 September. This association is the ideal promoter of the eponymous programme ‘Europa macht Schule’ (Europe meets School) that is being implemented by the Erasmus+ National Agency ‘Higher Education’ (NA DAAD) within the German Academic Exchange Service. The German Federal President is patron of this programme.

Europa macht Schule Gruppenfoto

‘Civic engagement and community solidarity are essential pillars of our society. Germany, indeed Europe itself, would be inconceivable without the unfailing and outstanding engagement of volunteers in all areas of social life. Even our Europa macht Schule programme couldn’t be implemented without the commitment of volunteer students. They form an important bridge between the higher education institutions and schools in Germany in terms of diversity in Europe’, explained DAAD President Professor Joybrato Mukherjee.

‘European cohesion and our European identity are more important than ever in times of growing EU scepticism. Students involved in Europa macht Schule have committed themselves to this conviction for over 17 years, and breathe life into it via projects at schools in Germany. The students’ engagement bears witness to European values within our society and brings international exchange directly into our Republic’s classrooms’, said Dr Stephan Geifes, Director of NA DAAD. 

Getting pupils excited about Europe

Since its foundation in 2006, the Europa macht Schule association and programme have been strengthening European and international cooperation by means of exchange among young people. More than 2,500 international exchange students, often funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme, have as representatives of their home country brought the idea of Europe closer to around 65,000 pupils in Germany. They have broadened children's and young people's view of diversity and variety in Europe through over 2,500 projects. These projects are coordinated and implemented by student teams at German higher education institutions on a voluntary basis. They are guided and supported in doing so by the NA DAAD and Europa macht Schule e.V.

Federal President's Civic Festival celebrates honorary office 

On 8 September, the first day of the Bürgerfest, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will honour volunteers with a personal invitation. The board of Europa macht Schule will travel to Berlin together with volunteers from the programme and representatives of the DAAD. The programme will also have a stand at the Federal President's Civic Festival to provide information about Europa macht Schule. Under this year's motto ‘Im WIR verbunden’ (Connected in WE), all interested citizens are invited to get to know the diverse civic engagement in Germany in the park of Bellevue Palace on 9 September, the Open Palace Day. 


The idea for Europa macht Schule came up in 2006 at the student forum ‘Was hält Europa zusammen’ (What keeps Europe together) organised by the Office of the Federal President. The then German Federal President Horst Köhler assumed its patronage in 2008, which his successors continue. The programme has been coordinated by NA DAAD since 2009 and is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Europa macht Schule is now also being implemented in the Czech Republic, Spain and Norway, and further programme locations are being established. The programme has also received several awards, including the European Youth Prize and the Euroscola Prize of the European Parliament. 

Service for journalists

Should you be interested, we would be happy to introduce you to students who volunteer with Europa macht Schule and who will be present at Bellevue Palace.


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service