Centres for German and European Studies - network activities

In order to actively support the formation and strengthening of the centers' network, the DAAD funds the programs "Networking Projects for the Centres for German and European Studies" and "Cooperation Projects of the Centres for German and European Studies in Research, Teaching and Public Relations" with funds from the Federal Foreign Office.

The member universities of the Centers are eligible to apply.


Centres Conference Berlin 2023 - Graduate Workshop


  • Funding is available for summer schools and study trips. The places for the summer school are to be advertised in the Center Circle. In the case of a study trip, half of the planned places must be allocated to students who are enrolled at a member university in the Center Circle other than the organizing university.

    The objectives of the programme "Networking Projects for the Centres for German and European Studies" are the following:

    1. The DAAD network of the Centres for German and European Studies (referred to as ‘Centres’ below) is strengthened.
    2. Students and doctoral candidates of the Centres obtain expert knowledge about Germany and Europe, they improve their German language skills, and they receive impulses concerning research endeavours related to Germany and Europe.
    3. Students and doctoral candidates are inspired and encouraged to identify with the Centres, and to engage in networking among each other and in discipline-specific exchange with established academics.
    4. German universities and education institutions are involved to deepen the students’ and doctoral candidates’ knowledge of Germany as an education and research location, and the visibility of the Centres is also increased within the German research landscape.
    5. Centres hosting a summer school or study trip distinguish themselves as actors of internationalisation in graduate and doctoral candidate support.
    6. Incentives are created for (research) cooperation among the Centres as well as with German partners.

    Amount of funding

    Summer School: up to 40.000 Euro

    Study Trip: up to 40.000 Euro

  • Funding is available for meetings and events in the context of cooperation in research, teaching and public relations work concerning issues related to German and European studies held by at least two partners from the Centres and their German partner institutions where applicable. Doctoral candidates and/or students from the Centres must be involved in the measures.

    The objectives of the programme "Cooperation Projects of the Centres for German and European Studies in Research, Teaching and Public Relations" are

    1. The DAAD network of the Centres for German and European Studies (referred to as ‘Centres’ below) is strengthened.
    2. Incentives are created to promote cooperation in the areas of research, teaching and public relations among the Centres as well as with German partners, and support is provided for implementing these cooperationprojects.
    3. Research, teaching and public relations work concerning topical issues in the fields of German and European studies are encouraged within the Centres’ DAAD network.
    4. Cooperation and exchange regarding issues related to German and European studies among established researchers, graduates and doctoral candidates are promoted at the Centres.

    Amount of funding

    Cooperation project: up to 15.000 Euro

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service