Alumni associations

Three women discussing

The DAAD considers the end of a scholarship as the beginning of an active, long-term relationship with its alumni. More than 140 alumni associations worldwide connect alumni with each other and with the DAAD. The alumni associations are very important partners for international exchange and a driving force for local alumni activities. The involvement of the alumni associations plays an important part in the sustainability of the DAAD scholarship programs. 

The clubs differ in their structures and in their composition. However, all associations have at least two things in common: the members have a lot of international experience and volunteer their time and skills for the promotion of international exchange. For example, they organize alumni events, assist with regional pre-selection rounds, provide information about scholarship programs and study and research in Germany or their respective host country or support future and current scholarship holders.  

Find an alumni association close to you in our interactive map of all DAAD alumni clubs worldwide

Funding opportunities 

The alumni associations are independent organisations.They are autonomous in how they manage their affairs, their constitution and their specific objectives. Upon application, the DAAD supports the work of the associations. The DAAD may award grants for scientific and topical alumni events, publications and IT equipment. This support is conditional to a substantial number of the members being former DAAD scholarship holders and to the club being recognised under national law. Further information on the funding opportunities can be found here

Are you currently planning to establish a DAAD alumni association and have questions about it? Or have you already established an alumni association and would like to register with the DAAD? 

Please contact us without hesitation if you have any questions redarding the topics above or other. You can find our contact person for your country areas below: 


For Germany and Europe: 

Regina Kleinschmidt
kleinschmidt at 
Phone: +49 (0) 228 882 270

For Africa, North- and Southamerica: 

Barbara Müller
b.mueller at 
Phone: +49 (0) 228 882 8205 

For Asia, Australia, Middle East, Russia, Central Asia/South Caucasus

Hauke Nehrhoff
nehrhoff at 
Phone: +49 (0) 228 882-8623

Any further questions? Please send an e-mail to: alumni at

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service