Training on Advocacy for Research Output

Research Adovacy Training_Agenda

The objective of the virtual training workshop for the fellows is to bridge the gap between science and policy making, with a special focus on climate change in Africa, for the climapAfrica scholarship holders and alumni. The overall goal of the training is on promoting the use of research knowledge in policy and practice. The following topics will be covered during the workshop:

  • Fundamentals of advocacy
  • Spaces for policy advocacy engagement
  • Assessing a policy context 
  • Developing a promotion strategy to influence policy
  • Uptake pathways: Making the links between research, policy and development 
  • Stakeholder analysis and engagement
  • Presenting your promotion strategy: Personal action planning for improved research promotion
  • Practical activity – developing a policy brief with an elevator pitch


Stefan Rößlein

Stefan Rößlein

Senior Desk Officer
Department Scholarships
Section Africa
Single Point of Contact climapAfrica Postdoctoral Fellows


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DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service