Please note that the CHE Ranking is currently being updated. It is therefore possible that the information provided is not up-to-date. On the website of ZEIT ONLINE you can already find the updated ranking, but only in German:

Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

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Facts and Information

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU)
Standort Geislingen

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU)
Standort Geislingen

Parkstraße 4
D-73312 Geislingen
Telephone: +49 7331 22-520

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  • University

Basic information

Kind of Institution and funding body
University of applied sciences, public
Year of foundation
Total number of Students
Students at this campus
Semester contribution
182.70 €
Tuition fees
There are no study fees.

Students by type of degree pursued

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Teacher qualification degree
Pre-Bologna degrees
Other types of degrees

Central services

Opening hours central student counselling

Special features regarding the library

Locations: Nürtingen central library; Nürtingen Braike faculty library; Geislingen library; Stock: Approx. 360,000 e-books, approx. 94,000 books, broad selection of specialist databases; More than 19,000 e-journals; Service: The library offers customer-friendly opening hours and pleasant learning spaces to work on site. Generous loan terms (60 copies, 7 extensions) also allow you to work at your own desk at home. Media can be ordered free of charge between the locations and deliveries from the nationwide inter-library lending service are also possible. In addition, an extensive range of training and advice is available.
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Foreign language center and courses

There is a foreign language centre. Languages offered: English, French, German as a Foreign Language, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese.
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Special features regarding university sports

The university offers its own sports programme. Students of the HfWU can participate in the sports programme of the university region of Tübingen-Hohenheim. Participation is free of charge. Some sport groups host their own tournaments (football, basketball, volleyball, riding), which are contested either as internal university events or in cooperation with other universities. There is a summer festival with grass-roots sports, a university run each semester and a student-organised sports day each semester. The Faculty for Business and International Finance (FBF) organises a football tournament in which students, staff and professors also take part. The HfWU is a member of the General German University Sports Association (Allgemeinen Deutschen Hochschulsportverband). Sports: Football, basketball, volleyball, riding, yoga, dancing, running
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Last update 2024: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service