Sports Sciences, Department
Fakultät Kunst- und Sportwissenschaften
Technische Universität Dortmund
Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 3
D-44227 Dortmund
TU Dortmund
Department on the internet
Degree courses with details
- Sport (B.A. Teacher training for Haupt-, Realschule, comprehensive school)
- Sport (B.A., TQ Gymnasium/Gesamtschule)
- Sport (B.A. Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges)
- Sport (M.Ed. Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges)
- Sport (M.Ed. Teacher training for Haupt-, Realschule, comprehensive school)
- Sport (M.Ed. TQ for grammar school and comprehensive school level)
Basic information
- Total number of students at the department
- Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)
no data
- Percentage of teaching by practitioners
no data
- Percentage of teaching by practitioners, master's
no data
Support during the study entry phase
- Total score for support in the study entry phase
no data
Job market- and career-orientation
- Bachelor theses in cooperation with work environment
no data
- Master theses in cooperation with work environment
no data
- Publications per professor
no data
- Third party funds per academic
no data
- Doctorates per professor
no data
Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses
- Teacher support
- Support in studies
- Courses offered
- Study organisation
- Exam organisation
- Digital teaching elements
- Research orientation
- Introduction to scientific work
- Offers for career orientation
- Practical orientation in teaching
- Support for stays abroad
- Rooms
- Library
- IT-infrastructure
- Sports facilities
- Overall study situation
- Return rate of the questionnaires
no data
Further information provided by the department
(S) = Students' judgements
(F) = Facts
(P) = Professors' judgements
Value in percent
Value in points
Thousand Euro