Teaching Qualification Music with option for Gymnasium-level and Comprehensive Schools (dual-subject teacher)full time

  • Master of Education


  • 4 semesters

    Standard period of study (amount)

  • Essen


  • No information

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study

Music (Teaching Degree)

Target group

Graduates of the Bachelor's course Teaching Qualification for Grammar School/Comprehensive Schools. Only those subjects in which a degree in the previous course has already been acquired can be continued.


The second teaching subject and Educational Sciences are studied at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Admission modus

Selection procedure / qualifying examination

Admission requirements

Completion of the Bachelor's degree program with teaching option at grammar schools / comprehensive schools. An aptitude test will be carried out.

Lecture period
  • 07.10.2024 - 31.01.2025
  • 07.04.2025 - 18.07.2025

Tuition fee

Languages of instruction

Main language


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service