Lomonossow HausFischerstraße 39 · 09599 Freiberg


The Lomonossow House will convince you with its Russian flair and offers great living space and comfort. Eight spacious flats offer room for up to ten students.


Studentenwerk Freiberg


10 places

Rent deposit

450 EUR

Duration of housing

Prescribed period of study (Diploma, Bachelor, Master), but at least for one semester (if the rent time is shorter than one semester, an extra fee will be charged). In certain cases, extensions are possible (must hand in application for extension three months before rental agreement ends).

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

- Cosy common room with sofas and a TV
- Bicycle parking in the enclosed yard area

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

Shopping facilities in immediate proximity

Special deals for students with children / families


Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service