Landgraf-Ludwig-HausFriedrichstraße 37 · 35392 Gießen


This student residence is very popular due to its central location in the middle of Gießen. Natural Science departments, train station and inner city area are readily accessible. Up to 102 students live there. There are hardly any parking facilities near the student residence.


Studentenwerk Gießen


102 places

Rent deposit

250 EUR

Duration of housing

The maximum duration of residence is ten semesters. The maximum extension is for one semester.

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

- Communal kitchen and bathroom
- Bike racks
- Washing and drying room in the cellar
- Green space behind the dormitory with sitting area

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

Cafeteria "Mildred-Harnack-Fish-Haus" in the neighbouring (Leihgesterner Weg 16)
City centre, copy shop, supermarkets, bakeries, snack bars and pubs within walking distance

Special deals for international students

Please get in touch with the contact partners of the Studentenwerk’s department Beratung & Service if you have any questions about studying and living in Gießen, Friedberg or Fulda or if you want to catch up on the offers.

Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service