Konrad-Biesalski-HausSybelstraße 16 · 35037 Marburg


The university town of Marburg wishes to allow physically disabled students to study and to facilitate their integration in the society. "Konrad-Biesalski-Haus" or simply "KBH" is a student residence for handicapped students specifically built for this purpose in the late 1960s. It is located on the slope below Marburg Castle between "Bettina-Haus" and "Forsthof" and beneath "Dr.-Carl-Duisberg-Haus". The Student Services Marburg (public institution) is the responsible body.

In 2011, "Konrad-Biesalski-Haus" was included in the "Map of Inclusive Examples" set up by the Federal Government, as a positive example of lived inclusion. The commitment of the Student Services Marburg was honoured by Hubert Hüppe, the Representative of the Federal Government for Matters relating to Disabled Persons, with the award of this certificate. The map can be found at www.behindertenbeauftragter.de

77 of the 78 rooms of the house have a disability-friendly design, allowing a lot of activities to be done without help and also providing the option to call for help at any time if required. To put the idea of integration into practice, about a third of the rooms should be occupied by disabled students and two thirds by non-disabled students.

An experienced team of carers is available around the clock for any assistance or care that may be required. "Konrad-Biesalski-Haus" has an own bus service for taking students to the university, the cafeteria, shopping, to cultural events etc. Physiotherapy treatment can be conducted in suitable premises in the house. Aqua therapy and massage pools are also available.

Costs of room and care are normally sponsored by the social assistance authorities. The first point of contact in this regard is the social services office in your home town. The Servicestelle für behinderte Studierende [link|https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/studying/services/support/sbs|(SBS)] can give you further information.

If you are interested in a place in the student residence, please contact the Student Services Marburg and submit an application as soon as possible.


Studentenwerk Marburg


78 places

Rent deposit

200 EUR

Duration of housing

Maximum duration of rental period: eight semesters.

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

Spacious outdoor grounds, underground parking area with 13 spaces, washing machines and dryers, piano, bike cellar, table tennis room, hobby room, lifts, communal kitchens on every floor, equipped with TV and cable connection, copier

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

Cafeteria I Stadtmitte: one kilometre
Cafeteria II Lahnberge: seven kilometres

Special deals for international students

In order to ease the transition to student life, the Studentenwerk Marburg together with the Referat für ausländische Studierende und Auslandsstudium (Office for international students and studies abroad) of the university offers a Service Package for International Students. This package includes a single room in a hall of residence and further services.

Special deals for students with children / families

The Studentenwerk Marburg offers the infrastructure necessary to support the compatibility of family life, studies and work. There are 70 places available in two all-day child care facilities, the „Universitätskindertagesstätte“ and the „Kita Erlenring“. You can find further information and the application form here: Information for parents

Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service