AtlashausHermann-Jacobsohn-Weg 3 · 35039 Marburg


The house is in a very central location - on the site of the former language atlas in Hermann-Jacobsohn-Weg - only about five minutes walk from the Erlenring Mensa. On each floor, there is a communal kitchen with a lounge to strengthen the togetherness and exchange of the house community.
The residents also have free use of a common room and the possibility of "urban gardening", i.e. the freedom to create their own garden beds in the outdoor area.
As a nature conservation measure, a swallow house will be set up in the garden, in which other bird species and bats can also find their quarters.


Studierendenwerk Marburg


74 places

Rent deposit


Duration of housing

Maximum duration of rental period: eight semesters.

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

- There is a communal kitchen on each level.
- The building has an elevator.
- The washing machine and drying room are on the ground floor.

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

Several supermarkets nearby

Special deals for international students

In order to ease the transition to student life, the Studentenwerk Marburg together with the Referat für ausländische Studierende und Auslandsstudium (Office for international students and studies abroad) of the university offers a Service Package for International Students. This package includes a single room in a hall of residence and further services.

Special deals for students with children / families

The Studentenwerk Marburg offers the infrastructure necessary to support the compatibility of family life, studies and work. There are 70 places available in two all-day childcare facilities, the "Universitätskindertagesstätte" and the "Kita Erlenring". You can find further information and the application form here: Information for parents

Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service