In a time of rapid technological advancements, increasing globalisation, and growing global challenges, the DAAD has been particularly committed over the past quarter-century to connecting education and science across borders. Guided by the conviction that a future-oriented society is built on the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and cultures, the DAAD strengthens strategic programmes and and responds to evolving frameworks.

The concept of Science Diplomacy plays a key role in this context: scientific exchange is understood and designed to extend beyond the boundaries of science, contributing to international understanding and addressing global societal challenges.

How does the DAAD contribute globally to advancing Science Diplomacy through its programs and projects? President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, along with other key stakeholders and partners of the DAAD, offers fascinating insights into their work in the following video:

  • New Formats for a Connected Academic World

    In the 2000s, the DAAD consolidates its position as the world’s largest funding organisation for international student and researcher exchange. By introducing new programmes and expanding existing initiatives, the mobility of students and researchers between Germany and other countries increases significantly. Measures are also taken to enhance the appeal of Germany as a study destination. The number of international students in Germany rises from 187,027 in the winter semester of 2000/2001 to 244,775 in the winter semester of 2009/2010.

    GATE-Germany Marketingkongress 2006, Altes Wasserwerk / ehem. Bundestag in Bonn

    With the establishment of the GATE-Germany consortium in 2001 and subsequent campaigns for the international marketing of Germany as a centre of higher education and research, the DAAD supports German universities in their international representation and contributes to globally positioning Germany as a competitive hub for science and education.

    he early 21st century is characterised by the idea of making educational offerings mobile, bringing education to international students. The DAAD supports German universities in expanding their international networks and enhancing the quality of teaching and research through global cooperation. A notable example of the DAAD’s activities during this time is the promotion of transnational education projects. In 2002, the German University in Cairo (GUC) is established, offering German academic programmes abroad for the first time and actively shaping the international education market. The GUC makes a significant contribution to the internationalisation of German higher education by offering German academic programmes in Egypt.

    Strengthening Collaboration with the Global South

    Between 2006 and 2010, the DAAD places greater focus on countries in the Global South. Programmes such as “Welcome to Africa” promote scientific exchange with African universities, while bilateral Science Years, such as the one with South Africa, intensify researcher dialogue. Another example of transnational education is the establishment of the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) in 2008.

    Dr. Christian Bode überreicht Prof. Dr. Theodor Berchem die zu seinen Ehren herausgegebene Festschrift "20 Jahre 'Wandel durch Austausch'".

    For the DAAD, the change of leadership in this decade marks the end of an era: under the presidency of Prof Dr Theodor Berchem (1987–2007), the DAAD significantly increases the number of funded individuals from around 31,000 to 85,000 annually, advancing the internationalisation of German higher education. In 2008, the DAAD, under Prof Dr Stefan Hormuth, places new focus on expanding international activities, although his untimely death in 2010 tragically ends his tenure. In June 2010, Prof Dr Sabine Kunst is elected as the new president of the DAAD.

    In 2010, Dr Christian Bode retires. During his tenure as Secretary General (1990–2010), the DAAD grows into a globally active organisation, expands transnational education projects, promotes international networks, and supports the integration of East German universities after reunification. Dr Dorothea Rüland takes over as Secretary-General from 2010 onwards.

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service