DAAD climapAfrica Postdoctoral Fellow
National Water Institute (INE) University of Abomey Calavi
Dr Jean Hounkpe is currently a Postdoc Fellow and Part Time Lecturer at National Water Institute (INE) of the University of Abomey Calavi (Benin). Prior to joint to joint INE, he was Consultant in Hydrology and Flood Risk Reduction at the Competence Center of the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) in Burkina Faso. His research focuses on flood risk reduction and management in the context of global change (including climate change) from national to regional levels. During the ClimapAfrica fellowship, he will be working on adaptation to the increasing flood risk under changing climate through non-stationary seasonal flood forecasting at regional scale.
Climate change expertise and interests
- Non-stationary flood frequency
- Hydrological modeling
- Hydroclimatic risk analysis
- Flood risk reduction
Publications (most recent)
Bossa, A. Y., Hounkpè, J., Yira, Y., Serpantié, G., Lidon, B., Fusillier, J. L., Sintondji, L. O., et al. (2020). Managing new risks and opportunities of agricultural development of African floodplains: Hydro-climatic risks and implications for rice production. Climate, 8, 11; doi:10.3390/cli8010011.
Hounkpè, J., Bossa, A. Y., Yira, Y., Fusillier, J., DA, S. A. & Keita, A. (2020). Fonctionnement hydrologique et hydraulique du bas-fond réaménagé de Bankandi dans la province du Ioba, Burkina Faso. In : Agriculture et Gestion des Risques Climatiques (Agricora) (B. Sultan, Y. A. Bossa, S. Salack & M. Sanon, eds.). IRD.
Hounkpè, J., Diekkrüger, B. & Afouda, A. A., Sintondji, L. (2019). Land use change increases flood hazard: a multi ‑ modelling approach to assess change in flood characteristics driven by socio ‑ economic land use change scenarios. Natural Hazards. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/s11069-018-3557-8
I participate at climapAfrica because...
Playing a significant role in the worldwide goal to address the problems posed by climate change is my main motivation. This opportunity will help me to achieve this goal through collaboration with other postdoctoral fellows and African alumni of German funding initiatives with expertise in the field of climate research.