
Outreach Workshops

  • Stack of books with laptop on wooden table

    On Wednesday, 16 October 2024, we are organising the public outreach workshop "How do we learn the day after tomorrow? Didactic and media pedagogical approaches for the education of the future" in Berlin.

    In a world that is developing rapidly due to technological advances and social changes, the education system is also facing the urgent question: How will we learn the day after tomorrow and how can education be shaped?

    The workshop aims to explore and critically examine ideas and concepts for shaping the education of the future. We would like to work out how digital technologies in general and artificial intelligence in particular can change the way knowledge is imparted and acquired. In doing so, we would like to explore the question of what new (media) pedagogical methods are needed to do justice to these technological developments.

    Workshop participants are invited to take part in interactive discussions and practical exercises in order to jointly develop visions and strategies for future-oriented education. In several parallel tracks, the diverse topics and problems along the various sectors and educational pathways will be discussed in workshops with the help of specific expert approaches. The aim is to systematise problems and formulate recommendations for action that can support teachers, educational institutions and political decision-makers in shaping a flexible, inclusive and sustainable educational landscape.

    By bringing together experts from various disciplines, educational institutions and economic fields, we would like to use this workshop to create a platform for the open exchange of ideas and good practices that can help shape the learning of tomorrow and beyond.

    Porträtfoto einer blonden Frau

    We are delighted that Prof Dr Uta Hauck-Thum from the Chair of Primary School Education and Didactics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich will be giving a keynote entitled ‘School transformation processes in the digital world’.
    Schools are currently expected to become more digital. However, the current understanding is that the associated measures are only partially sufficient to enable the young generation not only to deal with the dynamics of change, but also to shape them by further developing basic democratic values.

    The keynote address is dedicated to the question of how schools can succeed in setting new goals together and developing further so that students can actively and competently meet current and future challenges. This is not only the target perspective of schools and teaching and learning per se, but also addresses all actors in the system in a transformative understanding.

    If you are interested in participating, you can leave your e-mail address via this link. We will notify you by e-mail as soon as registration is open.


  • Five people speak in front of a whiteboard

    On 17 May 2024, our workshop ‘Governance of digital education infrastructures: findings and discussions from the BIRD project’ took place at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin. The workshop brought together both researchers and practitioners from the field of digital education. After a welcome address, Prof Dr Ulrike Lucke, project manager of the BIRD project, gave an overview of the current status of the funding initiative.

    Konrad Degen (Technische Universität Berlin) opened the first part of the workshop with a keynote speech on the various dimensions of governance. This emphasised that there is not just one governance perspective and that it is precisely the diversity of stakeholders that makes a uniform understanding difficult.

    A group looks at sheets with tables

    In the second part, there was an insight into the as yet unpublished work of Paul Beschorner (University of Potsdam), who conducted a quantitative survey on the governance of a national education platform in spring 2023. In the subsequent discussion round, the participants were divided into four themed tables to take a closer look at the aspects of (1) data protection (2) institutional & individual use (3) access and (4) platform management. The groups were first asked to reflect on the plausibility of the data collected from the survey and then discuss what conclusions could be drawn for the design of the governance of a networked educational infrastructure.

    A man gives a presentation to a group

    In the last two parts of the workshop, the three ecosystem visions (1) Public-Private Marketplace, (2) Networking Infrastructure and (3) Open Education Space were used to discuss which corresponding governance models could be applied. With the expert guidance of Prof Dr Detlef Sack (Institute for Democracy and Participation Research, University of Wuppertal) and the RACI matrix developed by Rick Lutzens (University of Potsdam), the content input of the workshop ended with a look at possible committee structures and participation formats. Finally, the participants had another opportunity to work in groups to discuss whether all key stakeholder groups were involved in the decision-making processes and whether all relevant problem areas, resources and responsibilities had been identified.

    You can find the documentation of the event (in German) here.

  • Digital Education Regulars with Mauritz Danielsson

    12 September 2024. We’re excited to get things rolling again after a summer hiatus - especially as we are welcoming Ladok’s CEO Mauritz Danielsson as our guest. The Swedish Student Information System has come a long way since its beginnings in 1989 and now caters for most aspects of the educational cycle within Higher Education. The focus on ensuring interoperability, not only among exchange students but also between systems nationwide, remains pivotal. Additionally, continuous efforts are being made to introduce new features, such as a curriculum planning module. Ladok's collaborative development for all forty universities in Sweden, where each university maintains ownership and responsibility for its registry content, necessitates a specific governance structure, which we will also touch upon.

    Join the discussion at our next Regulars, on Thursday, September 12th at 3 p.m. CEST, we look forward to seeing you and discussing how we can strengthen collaboration and support educational transitions through digital infrastructures.

    Mauritz is CEO of the Swedish Student Information System, Ladok, which is used by all the institutions within Sweden’s higher education. The system has integrations with other government agencies in Sweden and with local systems at each university. Roughly 600 000 students and 30 000 administrators use Ladok every year handling around 2 million registrations, 6 million results and 80 000 diplomas per year.

    If you are interested in attending, please register via this link.

Older issues of the series can be found here.


Dinier, J., Peil, R. (2024, 25 July). BIRD - Bildungsraum Digital: Presentation of the BIRD project on development of a prototype of the vision "Digital Networked Infrastructure for Education" as part of an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) [Presentation]. Workshop DigiUni - Open Ukrainian Initiative, virtual.

Peil, R., Dinier, J. (2024, 6 June). BIRD - individuelle Lernumgebungen schaffen [Presentation]. University:Future Festival 2024, Lightning Talk, virtual.

Lucke, U. (2024, 4 June). Mein Bildungsraum - Perspektiven aus der Forschung auf die Nationale Bildungsplattform [Presentation]. LEARNTEC 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Krebs, R., Jarmatz, L., Erdmann, S., Wiencke, B. (2024, 4.-6. June). Joint stand BIRD & Mein Bildungsraum [Information stand]. LEARNTEC 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Erdmann, S., Degen, G. (2024, 27 May). Rücke vor bis auf LOS: Mit BIRD bis auf die Zielgerade deiner Bildungsreise! [Presentation]. re:publica24, Messestand des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin, Germany.

Krebs, R., Jarmatz, L., Erdmann, S. (2024, 4 May). BIRD: Der Weg zum lebenslangen Lernen! [Information stand]. Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften, Potsdam, Germany.

Walia, D. S., Neumann, K. (2024, 3 May). Unveiling the Potential: Assessment the Role of SSI Wallets in Promoting Sustainability in Federated Learning Environments [Presentation]. CSEDU 2024, Angers, France.

Goossens, D., Jarmatz, L. (2024, 22 February). Den digitalen Bildungsraum prototypisch erforschen und gestalten: Einblicke in das BIRD-Projekt [Presentation]. didacta - die Bildungsmesse, Cologne, Germany.

Lucke, U. (2024, 8 February). Neuer Name, Neue Ziele? Wohin geht die Reise bei der Nationalen Bildungsplattform? [Panel discussion]. Online expert discussion of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag as part of the event series "@ucation - Digitalisierung der Bildung gestalten".



Dinier, J., Peil, R. (2023, 12 December). Recognition Culture in Higher Education. International Perspectives on Lifelong Learning and Student Mobility [Presentation]. HRK MODUS-Konferenz, Bonn, Germany.

Rathjens, M., Neumann, K. (2023, 10 November). BIRD bundesweite digitale Bildungsplattform [Presentation]. eSALSA, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Bustorff, A., Bacher, S. (2023, 9 November). Der Buddy-Finder – Ein Kollaborationstool auf einer digitalen Bildungsplattform [Presentation]. World Usability Day (WUD), Stuttgart, Germany.

Peil, R. (2023, 17 October). Bridging the Gap: Promoting the adoption of digital credentials to advance learner mobility [Presentation]. Groningen Declaration Network Annual Meeting, Amman, Jordan.

Clancy, K. (2023, 17 October). Governance of Digital Platforms for Work and Learning: Global Research Perspectives [Panel discussion]. Groningen Declaration Network Annual Meeting, Amman, Jordan.

Lucke, U. (2023, 15 June). Personalized Recommendations for Individual Learning Pathways: Supporting Ukrainian Refugee Students in Continuing their University Education [Presentation & Paper]. EUNIS, Vigo, Spain.

Knoth, A., Clancy, K. & Lucke, U. (2023, 14 June). A Distributed Infrastructure for Secure Diplomas. Proof of Concept and First Experiences [Presentation & Paper]. EUNIS, Vigo, Spain.

Peil, R., Willems, E., Ravaioli, S., Ariño Martín, L.A. & Camilleri, A. (2023, 9. June) Digital credentials to support better recognition of skills and diplomas European Digital Credentials for Learning. How can they provide more transparency of skills (the example of micro-credentials) [Workshop]. Making Skills Count Conference, Brusselsl, Belgium.

Lucke, U. & Clancy, K. (2023, 1. June). BIRD: a cross-sectoral digital education infrastructure for Germany [Presentation]. NAFSA 2023, Washington D.C., USA.

Lucke, U. (2023, 24 May). Die Nationale Bildungsplattform - Mythen und Realität [Presentation]. Tagung digitale Hochschule, LEARNTEC 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Blum, F., Wilhelm-Weidner, A., Vogt, A., Fünfhaus, A., Pengel, N. & Bernoth, J. (2023, 27 April). Nur kein Wissen weitergeben - Eine Anleitung zur Transfervermeidung [Workshop]. University:Future Festival 2023, virtual.

Blum, F. & Peil, R. (2023, 26 April). BIRD - eine sektorübergreifende digitale Bildungsinfrastruktur [Presentation]. University:Future Festival 2023, virtual.



Knoth, A., Blum, F. & Benn, K. (2022, 1 December). Digital Education Environment BIRD [Presentation]. Moving Target Digitalisation: Increasing the Impact of Internationalisation in Higher Education, Berlin, Germany. Hier geht es zur Live-Demo

Peil, R. & Bub, V. (2022, 15 September). Internationalisierung durch Digitalisierung: Schnittstellen, internationale Kooperation und Mobilität in der Bildung [Presentation]. Vertiefungsmodul Internationalisierung Universität Speyer, Bonn, Germany.

Blum, F., Ziehe, F., Peil, R., Benn, K. & Dinier, J. (2022, 6-9 September). BIRD - Bildungsraum Digital [Information stand]. Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA), Berlin, Germany.

Lucke, U. & Knoth, A. (2022, 30 August). Der Digitale Campus als internationales Schaufenster der Nationalen Bildungsplattform [Presentation]. Zentrum der Brandenburgischen Hochschulen für Digitale Transformation (ZDT), virtual.

Lucke, U., Macgilchrist, F., Seemann, M. & Gleibs, H. E. (2022, 9 June). Die Politik der Bildungsplattform: Werte und Standards in digitalen Lerninfrastrukturen [Panel Diskussion]. re:publica 22, Berlin, Germany. Hier geht es zur Panel-Diskussion

Lucke, U. (2022, 17 May). Pilotprojekt BIRD [Presentation]. Nationale Bildungsplattform – Status quo, Hochschul- und Länderperspektiven, virtual.

Lucke, U., Knoth, A., Peil, R., Benn, K. & Blum, F. (2022, 12 May). BIRD im Bundestag [Presentation]. Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, Germany.

Knoth, A. (2022, 25 April). Nationale Bildungsplattform Teil 1 – Vorstellung Bildungsraum Digital (BIRD) [Presentation]. Digitale Hochschule NRW (DH.NRW), Hagen, Germany.

Knoth, A. (2022, 19 April). Internationalisierung & Digitalisierung [Impulse workshop]. Initiative Digital Learning Campus Schleswig-Holstein und Future Skills Plattform, Kiel, Germany.

Knoth, A. (2022, 8 April). Nationale Bildungsplattform [Presentation]. Universität Speyer und Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Transformation und Digitalisierung des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, Speyer, Germany.

Knoth, A. (2022, 18 January). BIRD als Pilotprojekt der Nationalen Bildungsplattform. Ein Werkstattbericht. BMAS NOW | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Berlin, Germany.



Knoth, A. (2021, 12 November). Digitale Kulturdiplomatie und internationales Auslandsstudium/ Lernendenaustausch (auf Englisch) [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Groningen Declaration Network, Ottawa, Canada.

Dimitroff, M. & Turnwald, M. (2021, 10 November). Erleichterung der Studienreise durch die Verknüpfung digitaler Bildungsdienste (auf Englisch) [Presentation]. German-Brazilian Digital Education Forum, São Paulo, Brazil.

Knoth, A., Blum, F., Parekhelashvili, M., Wisniewski, S., Beschorner, P., Peil, R., Köster, R., & Kuska, D. (2021, 22 September). Vorstellung des BIRD Projekts im Bundeskanzleramt [Presentation]. Presentation date on the topic of ‘BIRD and wallet status’ by invitation, Berlin, Germany.

Hagen, A. (2021, 16 June). Taking over from behind – Open standards in Germany [Presentation]. MINDTREK X DXTERA | Connect with Open Education Standards, virtual.

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