Industrial Engineeringpart time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies

Master of Science
Standard period of study (amount)
4 semesters
No information

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study

Engineering and Management


Principles of Business Administration, Innovation and Technology Management, Process Management, Quality Management, Information and Knowledge Management, Interdisciplinary Competences

Target group

For your career in today's economic environment, you need the knowledge and skills, which will enable you to accomplish demanding managerial tasks in an increasingly globalised operating field. In addition to expert knowledge from the worlds of technology, ICT or natural sciences, cross-disciplinary academic and application-focused knowledge that expands your qualifications in a meaningful way is also required. The aim is to prepare you for professional specialisation at the interface of economics, ecology and technology. As an industrial engineer, you will be working in companies at the interface between processes involving both technical/engineering and commercial matters. You will know how to carry out the necessities of technical processes while at the same time taking into account important commercial requirements and cost efficiency, resource requirements and market focus. In addition, you will be able to use modern forms of information technology and operate in an international business environment. The academic and application-oriented study at the Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule is directly geared to the professional implementation of acquired knowledge in the context of strategic, tactical and operational activities in middle and higher management functions. Typical tasks for you as a graduate are technical sales, production and process design, logistics management, quality management, innovation and technology management and organisational development. The course of studies also allows for progression to senior level posts and entitles you to commence studies towards a doctorate.

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

More information regarding admission requirements

Admission requirements

Graduates having completed academic studies of at least 6 semesters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering are admitted, if proof of a good overall grade can be provided.

Lecture period

Application deadlines

Summer semester (2024)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

    Any time

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union

    No information

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

    Any time

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    Any time

Winter semester (2023/2024)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

    Any time

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union

    Any time

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

    Any time

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    Any time

Tuition fees

Languages of instruction

Main language


Further study programmes

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    Study Mode:
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    Study Mode:
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  • Private Fachhochschule for Distance Education Courses, DarmstadtApp Development
    Standard Period of Study:
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    Study Mode:
    part time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies
    No information

    More about App Development

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