Compliance and Integrity Managementpart time degree programmes for professionals

Master of Compliance & Integrity Management (MACIM)
Standard period of study (amount)
2 semesters
Frankfurt (Oder)
No information

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Winter Semester only

Area of study
  • Business Administration
  • Human Resource Management
  • Tax Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Environmental Management, Energy Management
  • Business Management, Organization Management
Target group

The degree course is aimed at both university graduates of all disciplines who wish to practice the profession of a Compliance/Integrity Manager in companies and other organisations or who are or wish to become active in the consulting environment, as well as to those who are already working as Compliance/Integrity Managers and who want to refresh, deepen, systematise and professionalise their knowledge and skills. The course content is designed in such a way that the study programme is also ideal for representatives of the civil service who deal with compliance-related issues (e.g. in the area of combating economic crime or as anti-corruption officers).


To your career-integrated Master’s degree MACIM is a continuing education and fee-based degree course that concludes with the acquisition of the academic degree Master of Compliance & Integrity Management (MACIM) and can be completed while working. The degree course is connected to the Viadrina Compliance Centre – an interdisciplinary unit of the European University Viadrina, which has been successfully engaged holistically with the research fields of Ethics, Compliance & Integrity in Organisations since 2010 and is therefore present throughout Germany and worldwide. Innovative and practice-oriented The degree course is not only characterised by its innovative curriculum and strong practical orientation. Rather, soft skills are also taught in the course, which are of great importance for compliance and integrity management. The entire compliance & integrity management cycle has been integrated into the course of study and distributed among the existing modules. It therefore covers the practical design, implementation, testing and improvement of a compliance & integrity system. This is supplemented by specialisation options and insights into various industries including the public sector. Master's degree in two semesters The course lasts for two semesters and is divided into five modules, four of which are designed as basic compulsory modules and one as a compulsory elective module with distance learning reading and specialist lecture. The combination of face-to-face and online teaching, which is always offered on Fridays and Saturdays, enables working professionals to take part. The academic degree is completed with a Master's thesis. This enables a continuing education Master's degree to be completed in only two semesters. Your MACIM teachers For the varied form of teaching, we have been able to attract more than 50 outstandingly qualified lecturers from research and practice in order to effectively implement the concept of the course. While the in-depth theoretical fundamentals are taught by professors, well-known experts are responsible for the practically oriented modules and concrete management tools. The instruction is rounded off by further guest lectures by renowned figures. A small group of max. 20 people enables excellent networking with each other and with the teachers.

Admission modus

Selection procedure / qualifying examination

More information regarding admission requirements

Admission requirements

- a first professionally qualifying certificate of academic degree - the type of university does not matter - with the acquisition of 240 ECTS credits Applicants with a professionally qualifying academic degree of less than 240 ECTS credits can qualify for admission to the degree course by taking an entrance examination. If an entrance examination is carried out for 30 ECTS credits or fewer ECTS credits, only the written partial examination is required. If more than 30 ECTS credits and no more than 60 ECTS credits are to be proven with the entrance examination, this entrance examination consists of an essay and an additional oral examination. In addition, proof of usually at least one year of professional experience is required, which has essentially been acquired after the completion of the first professionally qualifying certificate of academic degree. In justified individual cases, this requirement may be waived.

Lecture period
  • 07.04.2025 - 18.07.2025
  • 13.10.2025 - 06.02.2026

Tuition fees

Tuition fees

6,500.00 EUR / semester

More information regarding tuition fees

Costs per semester: EUR 6,500 tuition fees plus EUR 335.50 semester fee in the 1st semester, EUR 329.50 in the 2nd semester

Languages of instruction

Main language


Further study programmes

  • European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)Auditing (dual)
    Standard Period of Study:
    7 semesters
    Frankfurt (Oder)
    Study Mode:
    dual system, including practical semester, full time
    September 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)
    September 2025 (EU)
    September 2025 (Non-EU)
    Please enquire

    More about Auditing (dual)

  • European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)Business Taxation
    Standard Period of Study:
    7 semesters
    Frankfurt (Oder)
    Study Mode:
    with integrated professional training, with integrated professional experience, dual system, including practical semester
    September 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)
    September 2025 (EU)
    September 2025 (Non-EU)

    More about Business Taxation

  • European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)Cultural and Social Studies
    Standard Period of Study:
    6 semesters
    Frankfurt (Oder)
    Study Mode:
    international course, part time, full time
    September 2025 (Germans and inhabitants)
    July 2025 (EU)
    July 2025 (Non-EU)
    Please enquire

    More about Cultural and Social Studies

  • European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)Cultural studies
    Standard Period of Study:
    6 semesters
    Frankfurt (Oder)
    Study Mode:
    international course, part time, full time
    27 days left (Germans and inhabitants)
    July 2025 (EU)
    July 2025 (Non-EU)
    Please enquire

    More about Cultural studies

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