Biomedical Technologiesinternational course, full time

Master of Science
Standard period of study (amount)
4 semesters
expired (Germans and inhabitants)
expired (EU)
expired (Non-EU)
Please enquire

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Winter Semester only

Area of study
  • Biotechnology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Human Medicine
Target group

The inter-professional and interdisciplinary Masters Degree program in Biomedical Technologies offers practical orientation and internationality. The Master’s program at the University of Tübingen is an excellent choice for students seeking advanced academic and application-oriented research training in emerging fields of Biomedical Technologies, integrating the core areas of implantology, bioimaging, and nanoanalytics/interfaces. The training is offered by experts in basic as well as clinical sciences and provides a comprehensive overview of the area. The program provides lectures and modules embedded in a modern technological and medical environment and supported by an interdisciplinary team of internationally recognized scientists. -excellent study conditions in small training groups with individual contact to researchers and clinicians. -close cooperation with more than 40 universities all over the world, providing the option to pursue practical work experience or to write the Master s thesis outside Germany. -close interaction with companies and research institutes in Medical Technologies and Biomedical Technologies to ensure a competence based study program, opportunities for practical experiences, and the inclusion of researchers from industry in lectures Our central goal is to prepare our students to meet today’s challenges and find a successful career in future oriented branches of Biomedical Technologies. In the first year, students can choose two out of three specialization modules, allowing them to tailor the program to their individual interests. The second year of the Master’s program is flexible to allow students to gain practical experience in research institutes, industry or abroad.


Earlier application deadline on 15 06.

Admission modus

Local admission restriction

More information regarding admission requirements

Admission requirements

Earlier application deadline on 15 June

Lecture period
  • 15.04.2024 - 27.07.2024
  • 14.10.2024 - 08.02.2025

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants


    Please note different application deadlines for Master’s degree courses. You can find an overview here:

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union


    Please note different application deadlines for Master’s degree courses. You can find an overview here:

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union


    Please note different application deadlines for Master’s degree courses. You can find an overview here:

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    Expired (Universitywide deadline)

    Please note different application deadlines for Master’s degree courses. You can find an overview here:

Tuition fees

All information about tuition fees for international students (EUR 1,500 per semester) and for a second degree course (EUR 650 per semester) can be found on our website.

Languages of instruction

Main language


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service