Newsletter HEC-AIMS 2023/1

Welcome to the HEC-AIMS Newsletter
Dear AIMS Collaboration partners
I am pleased to present you the first issues of the “HEC-AIMS Newsletter” in 2023. It comes with a new look, but in terms of content it continues to focus on what you are shaping in your collaborations: on joint activities, on joint research - mainly from 2022. Partly because last year was a special year for the AIMS programme in several aspects.
First of all, it marked the entry into the second round of higher education collaborations with AIMS. The collaborations of TU Ilmenau and GU Frankfurt with GRC Abebe Geletu and Jan Hazla at AIMS Rwanda started in 2022. They are not only the first projects of the second cycle, but also the first collaborations with the relatively young AIMS Rwanda.
Likewise, the cooperation between Nick Monk, new GRC at AIMS Ghana, and the University of Bonn is currently underway. At the same time, we at DAAD are preparing the call for proposals for the next upcoming partnership, which will be with the new GRC at AIMS Senegal, Mouhamadou Sy.
Besides these joyful prospects for the future, the year 2022 also invited us to look a little into the past. On the one hand, it meant the end for the collaborations of the first cycle, research results were published again, and the last doctoral theses were submitted. The newsletter contains the impressions of two partnerships that have come to an end and tell us about their activities. Two fellows also present their research to us, partly in new formats.
Last but not least, 2022 also marked the 10th anniversary of the BMBF's AIMS programme. In 2012, the AvH filled the first GRC at the AIMS Senegal with Moustapha Fall, followed by the first DAAD-funded higher education cooperation in 2014. Since then, more partnerships have been added and new research topics have been taken up. All in all, those 10 years represent a diversity of fruitful cooperation, networking and exchange.
With this in mind, I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those responsible for, involved in and participating in the projects. To all those who enrich the international exchange through their academic cooperation, thus shaping and making possible the programme "Higher Education Cooperation AIMS".
I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter -- and please do not hesitate to contact us with suggestions for the next issue, but also with criticism and praise for this format.
Kind regards,
Felix Wagenfeld
Head of section P24
I. Latest information
II. Activities in 2022
III. Scholarship holders' experiences
IV. Publications