Studierenden-Testimonials von Projekten der ersten IVAC-Förderrunde

Im Folgenden sammeln wir Impressionen und Stimmen von Studierenden, die im Rahmen des DAAD-Programms "International Virtual Academic Collaboration" (IVAC) Virtual-Exchange Kurse absolviert und dabei wertvolle internationale Erfahrungen der digitalen Kollaboration erhalten haben. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Zusendungen!

In unserem interaktiven >>> Padlet <<< finden Sie eine aktualisierte Übersichtskarte mit allen Hochschulen der insgesamt 61 IVAC-Projekte. Alle Projektinvolvierten können gerne einen Kommentar oder Like bei ihren Projekten hinterlassen!



What do you think was the most important points in today's lesson?

  • "I enjoyed working together with my teammates in the Project Jupyter | Home, it felt like we truly collaborated with each other."
  • "Working in Team together and how to share information; learning how to visualize data"
  • "Collaboration with the team mates"
  • "The understanding of the different kinds of algorithms that we implement and practice it as a team"


Now that you have connected with partners from different cultures, how might your views of culture/cultural values changed/stayed the same?


  • "I was a bit nervous the first day I met my teammates but after knowing a few of them throughout the course, I felt that our culture difference were not that big, and felt good work with them"
  • "For me, it was interesting to talk to new people and hear their thoughts on topics and discussion. It was nice to see our similar cultural values and learn about what we see different"
  • "That was perfect to discuss daily life between Mexico and Germany and Turkey the best thing that we had is not machinge learning course, friendschip and possible future colleagues all around the world."
  • "We loved the cultural knowledge we gained from this class, seeing the team mix and share what each of us liked, like food, the music etc. was super fun!"
The only challenge was having to work with people that live in the other side of the globe because of the different time zones. Culture did not affect our performance.

What was the most challenging part about working in these teams (with students from multiple institutions in different countries?)

  • Working within the time zones was the hardest thing due to not always being able to discuss and work with teammates due to difference in hours. Projects also got confusing due to not being sure what time zone the deadlines were in. 
  • Some of the team members lacked the interest to participate in the activities, which made the rest of the team have to work more in order to compensate for those missing participations
  • Having a 4 hour long class was really tiresome. Having team members that were showing up decreasingly.
  • We had different backgrounds so some knew more than others but it was helpful to be in teams. 


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